My kids

Friday 4 November 2011

Introducing Myself to the Blog goes nothing!

Hi! My name is Liz I am 29 years old (creeping closer to the dreaded 30, yikes!) I live in a small town in Quebec, my home town that I swore when I moved to the city I would never come back to, but  alas here I am! My opinion of this small town changed when I got pregnant with my first born, I decided it wasn't so bad after all, its where most of my family is and its a great little town to raise kids. I am a single mom to 2 kids, my son Nathan is almost 5 and my daughter Olivia just turned 2 a couple months ago. They are very busy, curious, often hyper little kids but if they weren't I would be questioning their normalcy lol Of course I think they are the cutest little things ever made (what parent doesn't feel that way about their own kids) however I quite often get stopped while out on outings by random strangers who tell me that my children are beautiful (I cant help but smile and say to myself "I know" while thanking them) I'm pretty proud of my kids and my upcoming blogs will surely show this, as well as any concerns, fears, anxiety I may have at the given time. I cant imagine my life without them, cant even really remember much of my life before I had them, I often say my life started when I became a mommy, it is by far the best thing I  ever did (despite and negative feelings or pressures I was given from others when I first was pregnant) My kids have the same dad however, I am proud to say this, because I find too often there are single moms out there that either have 5 kids from 5 different fathers, or who quite shockingly have no idea who their kids father is! I find this quite sad! As much as my kids dad and I don't agree a lot of the time, one thing we do agree on is we always want what is best for our children and that we will do whatever it takes to make them happy. Their dad is a black man (he is from Jamaica originally-- and I say this only because I find it kinda neat! while growing up I often said I wanted mixed babies, even though in this small town I never would imagined it would come true because back while I was younger, there were hardly any different races here in ''S-Ville'' now however I'm happy to say its changed) I met their dad through work down in the city and we had a relationship off and on for 6.5 years it ended a few months before I had Nathan, I moved back here and when Nathan was about 8 months we decided to try again for a bit (long distance as he lives an hour away) it was off and on til I got pregnant with Olivia and he announced he was with someone else!! (that's a loooong story that I will not get into lol) Needless to say the relationship has been off ever since which  is for the best, we are both happy where we are, there for the kids are happy. I believe happy kids=happy parents and vice versa! I have been single ever since I had Olivia, seriously have not much interest in dating while my kids are still so young, nor would I be able to find the time to date even if I wanted to, my kids come first no matter what. Speaking of will end this first blog post here, as I have to head out shortly to pick the kids up at daycare, they truly love it there, and it helps me out a few hours a day to be able to get some things done I cant otherwise easily do when they are home, as well as gives me the freedom to be able to actively job hunt since they are both well taken care of during the day. Hope  you enjoyed reading a bit about me, my life may seem a bit boring to some, but I love it and really cant complain  much! if there is anything else you want to know, or read about let me know! comments are always welcome here :)


  1. way to go ...welcome to the world of blogging

    Madame X

  2. thank you, Im going to give it a whirl anyways ;)

  3. You go girl well said looking forward to more posts and picstures as your 2 little ones grow into adults/teenagers!
